Making Time Proactively – A Ponderable…

No time for that? Maybe you need a little re-set to get yourself into the “live life don’t let it live you” mode. There IS a way. Read on! —the editor

In part one, there was lots to say, like nearly two thousand words worth — a mandatory pencils down (as that’s about 15-minutes of reading at an average pace).

But there’s more. Lots more. A whole section in fact. So this is a companion post (AKA Part 2).

Re-Cap: Intro to DBRs Way…

In the previous post, there was an introduction to what we’ll now call the DBRs Way:

To repeat: Aware. Accept. Adapt. Then Flex-n-Flo!  With heightened awareness comes the notion that every action DOES ripple. We, as in each of us, aren’t moving in isolation. Rather, what we do matters!

The energy we use. The energy we project. It all matters!

No Time for That…

The voice in your head is probably saying:

Yeah… so… How do I do it? I’m a busy, busy person…

Please take a look at this public service reminder care of the Jedemi DragonBustRs…

We are our choices. Remember??

Worth repeating…

Live Life. Don’t Let it Live You…

From PitBull’s “Feel Good” song, it is a nudge / reminder that we really need to be proactive…

Proactively aware!
Proactively accepting!
Proactively adapting!

And that nagging voice in your head is probably STILL saying:

How do I do it? I’m a busy, busy person…

In the words of Sam and Dave (c/o the Enchanted Jukebox):

…Just hold on, I’m comin’
Hold on, I’m comin’
Just hold on
(Don’t you worry)
I’m comin’…

Talkin’ Boundaries…

As I was flying through my thoughts — flowing them into my journal — It occurred to me that something was missing from the “Aware. Accept. Adapt then Flex-n-Flo” discussion… and that is “think time.”

If you are “go-go-going” and “do-do-doing” all the time, when can you get your head around those 3As and make proactive decisions on how you will “Flex-n-Flo” your day?

Everyone needs something from you — Demands on your time are high.

Read & React! Clear the emails and more slide in for you to…

Read & React some more. There’s no escape, or so it seems.

But… is that truly to case??

Sometimes when I visualize this ping-ponging from one perceived duty to another, I hear in my ears George Jetson saying, “Jane… Stop this crazy thing!” as the treadmill he’s on is out-of-control. And in my eyes, I see Lucy in the candy factory trying desperately to keep up with the candies on the conveyor belt — finally resorting to stuffing some in her mouth.

After laughing to myself, I push back from my desk, stand up and take a time out.

Smoke Break Anyone?

I used to stun the folks at the agency where I worked when I would take “smoke breaks.” They’d exclaim, “But you’re a runner!!”

I’d be like, “Yes, and… why should smokers be the only ones who can step outside for 10-15 minutes?” Actually, I never said that out loud, but thought it as I smiled and waved while exiting the building.

The thing is, I’d come back energized. I found that I could “task-up” and do more –efficiently AND effectively, which in itself was energizing.

But the FOMO!

Yes, and… Fear Of Missing Out (AKA FOMO) is real feeling-wise. But it can be compartmentalized:

Accept. Yes, I might miss something in the next 10 minutes. But then again, I might not miss anything. So, back to our first “A” followed by the second.

Accept. What will be, will be. Then take the Smoke Break. If something DOES happen, you’ll be able to Adapt and take appropriate action with a lot more energy.

So … take that break!

What About the “It”?

Little side tour here to discuss the “It” dragon because, let’s face it, a lot of energy goes into making you feel that “It” matters:

  • Brands say they “Got It!”
  • Politicians say they “Got It”
  • Clients pestering you will always say, if you don’t do [fill in the blank] (AKA It), we can’t “Get It.”

So what if that “It” isn’t the end all-be all “It” that “It” makes itself out to be? Wrap your head around that! [I’ll wait]

Something to consider… It might… just might… be your inner dragon doing his inner thing to mess with you. Are you going to let it get to you?

Wrong Wall !!

Something else to consider… I’ve always found Covey’s discussion of the ladder being against the wrong wall helpful. Is your focus where it should be?

Rolling the Rock…

And what could naturally occur is that your sense of duty causes you to lower your boundaries to ensure that your client’s needs are met — whether or not the ladder is against the right wall. Those needs, by the way, have a shape shifting life of their own. And your life becomes that of a modern-day Sisyphus (Got Rock??).

Why are you doing this??

Great question to ask your inner Sisyphus next time you find yourself doing an uphill battle with a rock.

Circling Back Around…

Now if the answer to the “Why?” remotely sounds like a purposeful move with a foundation of…

Aware. Accept. Adapt. Then Flex-n-Flo!

…Then, by all means, go ahead. You might also want to tell yourself the following:

The good stuff! Good counsel!

But… How can I do this?

Still feels a bit out of reach, right?

Well, this “it” isn’t that hard. The smoke break reference above is one way to “cut yourself loose.”

And a simple thing to manage expectations is this. Familiar, right? Something you may have encountered at small shops or any service counter.

The BRB sign quietly sets intent. You WILL return.

Left the Building… Now What?

In a business environment, this break could be a walk-about — away from the active “busy-ness” environment.

For sure, leave the phone behind. You’ve got enough stimulus to process, so don’t be outside continuing what you are breaking from.

Okay — the phone is helpful as a countdown timer — set to 12 min at work and 20-min when you have more time to get in “The Zone.”

Music is the doctor…

A typical song is like 3 to 4 minutes. You can press play on your iTunes or Spotify and, in the words of YouTube TV, “Enjoy this moment of Zen.”

Some of us get so good at this time-out thing, that a song will stream in their head without a device (True! Like a productive, influential ear worm!).

We highly encourage regular 12-min, AFK** and possibly outdoors (as in out of office/work environment) doors breaks.


{**Away From Keyboard}

That’s a Wrap!

And with that…

Thanks for reading and pondering with us.

Please chime in (see comment opportunity below).

—Annie & The Gang


Bonus Video…

Here’s a good music example just over 3-min long…

And here’s a previous post that delved into a different aspect of smoking…

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