SCMF Musings: The Surprising, Delightful Magic Mouse 2…

Our #SCMF wanderings let us to a surprising discovery related to Apple’s Magic Mouse 2. This wireless mouse can borrow a phrase from Jimmy John’s…

SCMF Musings: MLB All-Star Game noGO…

MLB’s midsummer classic (All-Star Game) had disappointing ratings (less than 10 million viewers) . But is there more to the story than what’s being reported?

AWSI: The $100 Million Story That Resonates…

The Secret Life of Pets” opened to a whopping $103.2 million over the weekend, according to studio estimates. Success attributed to its originality. We say its was something more…

AWSI: Twinkies are a Survivor Thanks to the Brand Whisperer…

Thanks to Brand Whisperer, Metropoulos, Hostess and Twinkies are surviving and thriving with an IPO coming soon. Also, look for fried Twinkies in a Wal-Mart near you. The playbook sounded familiar to us…

Dear Netflix: Please Protect this Prince with Immersive Sound…

Another “Dear Netflix” post containing ponderables for protecting “The Little Prince” movie which they rescued. Focus on immersive sound (Dolby Cinema Technology) now available at the AMC 12 in NewPark Mall…