AWSI: Lacoste’s Beautiful Sport Ad Has Wings…

The Lacoste ad (Tagline: Life is a Beautiful Sport) which appeared in the Sunday NY Times caught our eye. The gentleman on the light pole reminded us of one of our favorite movies: Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders. There is no specific all to action. The impression it left… more »

Staying Curious: What We Learned from a Unwatchable Show…

AMC’s Mad Men series is part way through its last season. For a while now, it has fallen off the list of “must see” TV. In fact, this season, we have resorted to reading the recaps from AdAge and Barbara Lippert’s Mad Blog before deciding whether to invest time actually… more »

Pinteresting Way to Reach Target Customers…

While flipping through the various circulars (ads) that come with the Sunday paper, we came upon an attention getter from Target. They showed sale items in the context of what you could bake. The theme, of course, was the upcoming Easter holiday. Right smack in the middle of the page, the words “dessert pinspiration” appeared along with the Pinterest logo.

AWSI: Mark the Inventor King is Amazing…

The NY Times story about a 23-year old inventor who created a granola texture analyzer machine for General Mills only scraps the surface of what makes Mark “the Inventor” King so amazing.

Sunday Session: 23 Feb 14

The Sunday Session is like a verbal jam session which has been captured in Final Draft and then pasted into a post. Enjoy!–ed FRANNIE Looks like a beautiful morning. Let’s head to the roof and hang for a while. DOSSIE Sounds good to me. Can’t beat this kind of weather… more »