Jedemi is a three-syllable word for a concept whose time has come. It’s about clues, connections and creativity. It’s about synthesis and synergy. It’s about energetically engaging, empowering and encouraging others. Jedemi breaks through crusted patterns and transcends the status quo to help people (and businesses) proactively operate on level that’s fulfilling and truly makes a difference.
- clues – pointers leveraging knowledge and experience
- connections – relating a thing or person to something or person else
- creativity – using non-standard approaches that leverage a multitude of talents
- synthesis – pulling from a variety of sources to create unified new concepts/ideas
- synergy – 2 + 2 = 7
- engaging – interacting as in interact with others (removing silos)
- empowering — drawing forth what’s within… bringing it to light.
- encouraging – to give hope, confidence (reinforcing that “you can do it!”)
- transcends – rises above
- status quo – the way things have always been done
- proactively – moving with a purpose
- that’s fulfilling – worthy of your time/talents
- makes a difference – fills a need