Quick update (1 September 14):
New resources are available!
- There is an IMDB list of movies referenced in Viv. You can find them here.
- We’ve made a Spotify playlist of the songs the Enchanted Jukebox played or were talked about in Viv. Hopefully you can link to it from here.
Remember to watch our Facebook Page for info about “Viv.”
Previous Update:
We have created an online version of the demo version (the first 60 pages of the Viv scripel).
You can find it by typing “Viv” in the search box or by clicking here.
This allows folks who don’t have iPads the opportunity to experience the Viv story. Enjoy! -A & The Gang
We are very excited to announce the availability of a demo version of “In Heaven When You Smile – The Taming of Viv” in iBook format.
It is part of the Jedemi Chronicles series of stories featuring spirits from the past who arrive at a café (The Jedemi Café) with a mission: To provide context, clues and connections that help engage the imagination and enable creativity which leads to more fulfilling and authentic life experiences.
The iBook format was selected because it enables “enhanced storytelling.” You can experience the enchanted jukebox and and easily get more information about books/films/ideas referenced.
What we are seeking are folks willing to take our iBook for a test drive. This demo version (free download) is actually a quick read. Your valuable feedback will help us make readability adjustments before our final release.
Please give it a look. And here’s a link to a ReadMeFirst file that provides some background.
Note: This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iPad, and with iTunes on your computer. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iPad. Books with interactive features may work best on an iPad. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
Also, before you dive in, you might want to check out this short video which explains some of the navigation features which assist the story telling.
Please email us your thoughts: Cafe@Jedemi.com or share them with us on our Facebook page or on Twitter using #TameViv.
Thanks for your time!
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