DBRs Insider SupDate…

001 edition: The DragonBustRs (DBRs) Insiders get updated on kits and other ponderables. #GivesUsJoy

When & Where’s the Party?

An update on… An ” itas” gathering ! Looking like mid-March. Post Mardi-Gras and pre-Madness…

WowMe: Ceiling Can’t Hold Us – Eagles Win…

The Eagles put on a clinic in “disruptiveness” which is what the situation required. The win? Fantastic on a number of levels for Mr Pete. Read on!

Mr Pete’s PreGame Warmup on Spotify

Let’s get ready for some football with Mr Pete’s inspired Spotify mix. Enjoy!

WowMe: Mr Pete’s Brotherly Eagles Cele…

When the Eagles beat the Commanders, Mr Pete wasn’t climbing poles on Broad Street. He had much better things to do with his time. Mix tape anyone? Read on!