Off the Wall Jeans – Sony’s Up-cycling Project

The Creativity Online website just posted a story about Sony’s Recycle Project Jeans. In brief, what Sony did was take outdoor banners that had been used for ad campaigns and turned them into jeans which they then sold by displaying them on the side of the Sony building in Tokyo…. more »

Google invades the Street

I read about this in BrandFreak. Talk about product placement… Check out this bit of embedded branding! ###

Changing the Definition of Fast Food – The Chipotle Story

According to a study conducted by Technomic (“Status and Future of Fast Foods: Consumer Trend Report” ), the perception of fast food is no longer confined to quick-service, drive-thru restaurants and convenience stores. The food industry research and consulting firm noted that a dual concept has emerged, consisting of traditional… more »

Ready for your Click Moment? Check out this LEGO App…

The LEGO Group recently unveiled an app in the iTunes Store called LEGO Photo that is designed to take any photo you have stored on your iPhone or iPod Touch and give it a brick makeover. The app has a supplemental website called which wants to be a sort… more »

Origins of Jedemi – The Timeline

A huge part of the Jedemi project was the timeline I put together in Excel.  I was working off a hunch that these “spirits from the past” knew each other and/or were exposed to similar influencers. So here are a few snapshots from that huge spreadsheet I put together. Not… more »