Ad triggers curious mind and kicks off an adventure. What WAS the story in the back?
Sunday Musings – By Changing Ourselves We Can Change the World…
It has been a really nutty week. The world seems to be spiraling out of control with so many matters of importance seemingly shunted aside by leaders who should know better. I totally get why Rat did that. That “It is what it is” phrase represents a fork in the… more »
AWSI: JedemIdea, Energy & Power…
With the release of the first of what should be many expressions of the Jedemi Chronicles, we’ve been pondering how to explain what we perceive to be the end game here. For sure, we can tell that a lot of what Jedemi is about is the discovering of interesting things… more »
AWSI: Responsible Stewards? Thunk Again…
To solve a mystery — That thunking sound referenced in our Facebook post earlier in the week came from Restoration Hardware’s bundle of 13 source books which they claim add up to a “significantly reduced impact on the environment.” We say, “hummm….” They certainly have gone out of their… more »
What We’re Reading – the 0514 Edition
The Jedemi way is to have several books going at once. The preference is a traditional-style book where we can make notes in pencil (lots of underlining and scribbles). And the Jedemi challenge is to schedule time to make progress working through the books. We are contemplating doubling up on… more »