Archives for June 2013

DreamWorks Thinking Small? Maybe It’s More About Touchpoints…

The headline said small, but there was a big picture of Shrek smack dab in the middle of my business section giving me a “what up?” look. The news, as reported by Benny Evangelista of the San Francisco Chronicle, was the announcement made by Netflix about a multi-year deal signed… more »

Another Birthday? Lose the Fence…

Do you feel older?  That’s what I was asked as another birthday came and went.  Really? My mind immediately went to the 1937 classic movie by Frank Capra, “Lost Horizon.” Age is a limit we impose upon ourselves. You know, each time you Westerners celebrate your birthday, you build another… more »

Life Imitating Art: Apple’s Campaign Sounds Mad Men-Like…

By now you’ve probably seen and heard the new Apple ad campaign.  Titled “Our Signature,” the pacing and voice felt to me to be very similar to Don Draper’s Carousel pitch from an episode of Mad Men. Adweek wrote about the campaign and included the copy: “This is what matters…. more »

The La Boulangification of Starbucks: Can They Pull it Off?

Corby Kummer, the author of “The Joy of Coffee” and “The Pleasures of Slow Food,” did an extensive story for that delved into the background of La Boulange, a San Francisco bakery that Starbucks purchased a year ago for $100 million to up its game in pastries and food…. more »

TaylorMade Golf’s U.S. Open Logo a Doozy…

Tommie forwarded this post by’s David Dusek to Doc and me. Guess he figured I’d like the symbology (he seems to think my money discussion with Bill Moyers was intriguing) while Doc here would dig the “natureful” story about the snake. Apparently it is a tradition for golf equipment… more »