Come for Clothing, Stay for a Meal…

I read a story in the Chronicle about retail dining (“Tommy Bahama retail-dining sets trend“) that got me wondering about the practicality of it all.  I get Wal-Mart and Target having fast food options.  But in this story, we’re talking a full on restaurant run by a clothing retailer.  How… more »

It’s Like This: When Marketing Lacks Strategy…

Sorry, but I couldn’t shake this image from my head. Too often marketing, especially in high tech, lacks a well-thought out game plan / strategy. Lots of hand waving… Yeah, it’s the “Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man.” Maybe it raises awareness, but were you truly effective? By that… more »

Gangnam Style Video & The Thunder Connection…

You probably heard by now that Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ has become the most viewed YouTube video of all time with over 803,760,000 views (that’s since July 2012). No doubt many are repeat views, but still, that’s a huge number! “Gangnam Style” has taken a life of its own. People from… more »

The Agony of Defeat: Feeling it from the Floor, Field and Seats…

The San Francisco Chronicle’s Rusty Simmons, in his article (Nuggets manhandle Warriors once again) about the Golden State Warriors loss to the Denver Nuggets, remarked “Warriors coach Mark Jackson left his top players on the floor into the game’s final minute so they could absorb the sting of a 102-91… more »

How Random is this? Who is CPBoyd?

Yesterday I was flipping through my Wall Street Journal when I came upon a full page Dell ad. Sure, the unusual looking laptop / tablet caught my eye. But what kept my attention was the quote. Who is C.P. Boyd? I am pretty familiar with writers / reviewers in the… more »