There was 2-page spread in the Sunday New York Times covering “a great race” as two journalists competed against each other to “see” the most Olympic events in one day.

Victor’s Adventure…

Sarah’s Adventure…
Amusing but sort of feels like competitive eating where you are rewarding the “more is better” mentality. But really, is it?
We liked Sarah’s write-up because it was like reading a journey journal. For example:
3:30 A low point. We decide to go to Deodoro, 45 minutes away, where Olympic activities include shooting, equine sports and field hockey. At the bus depot, the buses are empty, and we get the strong sense that nothing is going on at any of those places now. An attendant does not understand the word “equestrian,” so I am reduced to making whinnying noises, right by the side of the road.
DEDUCTION -5 (Loss of dignity)
On the other hand, her colleague Victor Mather’s write-up on his quest to view 20 sports in 13 hours made us anxious.
“…But I’d planned it all so meticulously!
From the start, I knew that negotiating the complexities of the Rio transportation system and the bewildering array of venues would not be the easiest task.
So I turned to Michael Trick, a professor of operations research in the business school at Carnegie Mellon. Trick is an expert in the science of optimization…”
Our Joey remarked that taking a deep dive into a single event or series in the same venue, where you can get a sense of the trials and tribulations, is a much more rewarding approach to viewing the Games. The images stay embedded in your mind’s eye for years.
The binge-snacking, driven approach was not appealing to him. He compared it to being in constant channel surfing mode on the television — never settling down. You look up and realize that time flew with nothing to show for it.
AWSI — Both write-ups were amusing Sunday reads, but the actual activity of power viewing in multiple venues should probably be retired. We’d rather those with “boots on the ground” seek stories outside the scope of network television. Show us what we really missed and what we might want to make time to stream.
For example, Rugby Sevens was a fantastic discovery and we hope to see more of this speedy sport.
—The Gang
The Enchanted Jukebox suggested the Sabre Dance:
Bonus Content:
If you want a really awesome “read” written by a “boots on the ground” sports journalist, check out Ann Killion’s work including her postcards from Rio.
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