Pondering SNL 50 & the Bird Network…

While TC immerses himself in all things SNL, trusty pal Peg seeks answers… Read on!

TC and Peg Hearting Local Team…

In a follow-up post, TC & trusty partner Peg express more love — shouting out another vital support team. So without further ado… Enjoy!

TC and Peg Heart this Day…

This Valentine’s Day, TC & trusty partner Peg got a whole lotta love to express. So without further ado… Enjoy! –the editor

WowMe: Ceiling Can’t Hold Us – Eagles Win…

The Eagles put on a clinic in “disruptiveness” which is what the situation required. The win? Fantastic on a number of levels for Mr Pete. Read on!

Mr Pete’s PreGame Warmup on Spotify

Let’s get ready for some football with Mr Pete’s inspired Spotify mix. Enjoy!