Peg Ponders Early AM Nominations…

Swiped! Again! This time Peg writes about a discussion that took place on a Thursday towards the end of January as an early morning change-up (5:30am?) disrupted their usual routine. Read on! –the editor

The Laptop Takeover…

Swiped! “Enough already,” says Peg. “Why you ignoring me?” In this post, Peg presses TC for some answers. Read on! —the editor

Pondering Malls Gone Bye-Bye…

Emerging from a YouTube video inspired trip down memory lane, TC entertains Peg with stories of malls gone bye-bye…

Pondering Christmas, This Time…

It’s that time of year… a time for reflection as TC ponders Christmas past and the present. Read on!

Pondering John Williams & Soundtracks…

Peg takes the lead in this piece about soundtracks and John Williams documentary on “the Plus” of Disney. Read on!