DBRs Insider SupDate…

Greetings, Insiders!

I hope all is well.

The wheels keep on turning here at Jedemi DragonBustRs HQ. One of the challenges is how to keep you Insiders looped in.

This is the Web edition of the update.

Rolling forward, I’m looking into “SLACK” as it is a nice team-focused app that plays on mobile devices and desktops (choose your platform).

It is what they use at the ad agency (HL Partners) where I do support work.

Thoughts on Slack? Just text or email me. Thanks!

Developments on the DragonBustR Time-Out Kit…

Did a little show & tell during our meetup and pointed out that Eagle Creek was no longer an option for that perfect-sized satchel I was using.

My stretch goal is to offer limited edition Time-Out satchels (Etsy-ish) with Nicole championing the “cool” factor. As for the “daily driver” edition, I found something that just might work (via ePromos).

Made a little video you can connect to here or see below:

Thoughts? Just text or email me. Thanks!

Note: If we end up “Slacking” it is like a group chat where we all play in the same thread.

Book Club Ponderable…

What do you Insiders think about participating in a book club? I was on Amazon one day and found a way to set one up. I included some books / manga that closely tie to the Jedemi Chronicles (Launch Trilogy & Next Generation).

As for form factor, I’ve been forever playing with formats and like how manga appears on my LG phone, my iPad and Kindle. I also showed you how I’ve been doing “Lay Flat editions.” So the questions are:

Book Club? Yes or No

If yes, what are your format preferences:

  • Kindle on a Kindle device
  • Kindle on phone
  • Kindle on iPad
  • Physical Book reg;
  • Physical Book Lay Flat:

Please to ponder… and then hit me up with your thoughts (you know… email or text).

DBRs Notables…

Notable discoveries. Always connecting.

OMG! David and I went to Brix and Craft in downtown Martinez (718 Main Street Martinez, 94553)

Yes, and…

You know I’m on about seat cushions.

Well they had FANTASTIC ones.

Totally in line with my thinking when I came up with the “spec” for Nicole.

See for yourself or better yet, maybe we can schedule a field trip over there.

That’s a Wrap!

Gotta keep it short as you Insiders are busy (us too!).

Thanks for reading, listening, participating!

Stay tuned for more Insider Updates.

— The Gang & Annie


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