Pondering Changes in How We Read…

A story (From Scroll to Screen) in The New York Times Book Review section got my attention. The writer, Lev Grossman, raised some interesting points about how the way we read has changed over the years: From scroll to codex to e-Reader. He makes some great points. I love my… more »

Petco’s New Tagline Emphasizes Differentiator…

Coming on the heels of Burger King doing away with the creepy king, a headline in one of the newsletters I get shouted, “Petco Revamps Logo, Tagline.” For Burger King, the move was long overdue. But Petco?? If I want to see a Padres game while in San Diego, I… more »

Nicely Done! Google Pays Tribute to Lucy…

On Saturday, the Google Doodle was a fitting tribute to Lucille Ball (“I Love Lucy”) on what would have been her 100th birthday. Using a vintage television that had a volume on/off switch and a play button, Google showed famous clips from the television show. You can read more about… more »

Serendipity and April in Paris…

In Episode 1 of the Jedemi Chronicles, I have field dispatches from a team that’s following Katie through her business trip in Europe. The dispatches are written at 0100 the next day. So, for example the Sunday 0100 dispatch covers Saturday’s activities. My thought is that these arrive at the… more »

Mash-up Cracks Me Up…

So I was working my early morning shift when I suddenly became aware of a song I hadn’t heard before. I paused and pondered what was striking my ears. Then I laughed out loud. For real? So I looked it up and I regret to say, I am quite late… more »