WowMe: DIY ZenZone is Inspirational…

Since out-of-home (OOH) experiences, Mr Pete DIY’d himself a ZenZone as a source of daily inspiration. Take a look!

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Introducing the DragonBustRs Framework …

Strange, but true. Ten years have passed since the Jedemi DragonBustRs Framework was unveiled. The concept, now refined has companion stories! Join our wait list!

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WowMe: Baseball as Entertainment…

There is no denying the need for entertainment, either to unite us in our shared brotherhood or to comfort our fractured souls. Enter the joyful Savannah Bananas! We. Were. Wowed! Take a look!

Pondering Fall Streaming…

TC spotted some binge-ables using a new normal approach to studying up on the Fall TV season. Read on and then check out the clips…

WowMe: Mr Pete’s FlikPics…

Mr Pete recently gave us a “preview of coming attractions” and… We. Were. Wowed! Take a look!

Peggy Takes in a Show…

TC ponders another milestone as he and Peggy set foot in a theater to see the long gestating sequel to Tim Burton’s classic romp, Beetlejuice. Read on!

Things that Gift us Joy!

This is our take of the “classic” (traditional) unboxing video. We get to share our fantastical gift AND also, create a template for future #GivesUsJoy unveilings.