WowMe: DIY ZenZone is Inspirational…

Since out-of-home (OOH) experiences, Mr Pete DIY’d himself a ZenZone as a source of daily inspiration. Take a look!

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Introducing the DragonBustRs Framework …

Strange, but true. Ten years have passed since the Jedemi DragonBustRs Framework was unveiled. The concept, now refined has companion stories! Join our wait list!

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LOL-able – Week Ending 22 March…

Because the Enchanted Jukebox has been so much a part of our world, when someone does a clever take on lyrics, we know it.

Where’s the Mush? Another Episode from the Jedemi Kitchen…

Where’s the Mush? Another Episode from the Jedemi Kitchen…

Pondering SNL 50 & the Bird Network…

While TC immerses himself in all things SNL, trusty pal Peg seeks answers… Read on!

TC and Peg Hearting Local Team…

In a follow-up post, TC & trusty partner Peg express more love — shouting out another vital support team. So without further ado… Enjoy!

TC and Peg Heart this Day…

This Valentine’s Day, TC & trusty partner Peg got a whole lotta love to express. So without further ado… Enjoy! –the editor