Pondering Autumn Leaves, Anniversaries…

TC turns sentimental as he looks back on year one with Peggy. Read on!

Pondering the Joy of Grocery Tourism…

TC hearts grocery stores. In this post, he strolls down memory aisles (lanes) and unveils way he’s now getting his shopping fix…

Pondering the Departure of Two Vegas Classics…

Now you see it, now you don’t… TC ponders the changing of the guard in Vegas as iconic properties, the Trop and Mirage, vanish.

Pondering Flying Via ULCC Going Bye Bye…

Nearly 4 months ago, TC wrote about changes making headlines in the travel industry. In this post, he ponders the ULCC, as the ultra low cost carrier business model is getting reworked…

WowMe: DIY ZenZone is Inspirational…

Since out-of-home (OOH) experiences, Mr Pete DIY’d himself a ZenZone as a source of daily inspiration. Take a look!