Jukebox Sez: Take Good Care of Each Other…

The world can feel hard and wild says Jackson Browne. We need to remember to take good care of each other…

AWSI Musings: Annie Gets Lumberghed…

Said it out loud? Annie gets Lumberghed and thought it was a joke. The red face, spitting angry man was not amused.

AWSI Musings: Kill the Lights Sez GE…

Lights are legacy. Sign of the past. No promise for the future as General Edison, AKA GE, shifts focus…

AWSI Musings: Nostalgia and the No Pitch Intentional Walk…

Word of mouth and creative approach to marketing helps protein-packed Halo Top sell out in some stores, even with relatively high prices…

AWSI Musings: Out of the Box exhibit an Eye Opener…

Come for the Sneakerhead exhibit. Stay for so much more. Surprises found all over the Oakland Museum of California…