Much Ado About Joss: Whedon Balances Avengers with Shakespeare…

“I would also describe ‘Avengers 2’ as a passion project,” he said. “I don’t take any project for which I have no passion. Why would you do that?” The Sunday New York Times had an interesting interview with Joss Whedon, the prolific writer, producer and director who shared with writer… more »

Doodle-Man: Money Manager Benefits from Hand-Mind Coordination

The Wall Street Journal recently did a piece about Andrew Silton, a man who spent 30 years in the asset-management industry and retired in 2011 with at least 75 spiral-bound notebooks with about 600 drawings created during that timespan. Puzzled? Don’t be. While doodling is often considered a byproduct of… more »

If You Can Read, You Own the World…

The Parade Magazine which comes with the Sunday newspaper featured an interview with author and master storyteller, Stephen King, who just so happens to have a book coming out called “Joyland” on June 4. It is classified as a “Hard Case Crime.” In recent weeks, the book gained notice because… more »

Eyewitness Accounts of the 1906 Earthquake…

In his post of the 7 stories to read this weekend, Om Malik gave a shout out to Jack London: The story of an eye witness: Jack London, a San Francisco writer, wrote about the 1906 earthquake that almost destroyed the city by the bay. This is amazing writing from… more »

SF’s Green Street & TV of Tomorrow Innovations…

We got word (via the TV of Tomorrow newsletter) that a Hackathon ( is taking place from June 22 – 23 (all day Saturday and Sunday) at the offices of Ignite Video, 202 Green Street, San Francisco, California–the actual facility where Philo Farnsworth invented electronic television more than 85 years… more »