Toll House Tales: All Fired Up – 119

Gayle's fireside tale continues...

Gayle’s fireside tale continues…

The fireside chat continues…  Gayle is deep into a story that closely resembles “Allegory of the Cave.”

Okay, so now our Mr. Stretch is crumpled in a lump on the ground-in broad daylight. …Stop and think about that for a minute (pause)… Here’s someone who has been in a cave for an extended period of time, suddenly being out in broad daylight…


Needless to say, his voice could be heard echoing throughout the cave.

We see the one talkative Ex-Prisoner shaking his head.


Silly fool! See?  What’d I tell you? Nothing of value there… nothing at all. All the rest start laughing and the sound echoes through the cave walls and back at Mr. Stretch, who is sitting on the top landing pondering his next move. He’s talking out loud to himself.


Can’t go back down there, that’s for sure. Those guys will just ride me about this adventure for days… (pause) I mean like what else do they have to talk about.

He looks over towards the light.


Humm… The thing is… I sense that there’s something out there. Something for me to see … and discover… I just need to be smarter about how I do it…

He holds his chin in his hand like Rodin’s thinker for a short while he tries to figure out his next steps.

The Thinker

The Thinker


Maybe I just need to give myself some adjustment time. What’s out there is radically different from what I’ve been doing…


So after giving his mates one last look he turns and crawls on his hands and knees towards the light.

We see him steadying himself and keeping his eyes shut. After he crawls some distance from the cave entrance, he stops and sits on the ground.


He gets into a familiar position… sitting on the ground.

We see Mr. Stretch cover his eyes with his shirt sleeve.


He covered his eyes with his shirt-sleeve and then gradually opened them, so that the light was actually filtered through the shirt.


That’s pretty smart of him… especially considering how quickly he came up with the idea.


No doubt that this time it hurt too -but just not as badly as before. And this time, by making sure he was grounded, so to speak, he kept himself from getting into trouble.

Julie and Fran are at the edge of their seats.


So what happened?

They as watching Mr. Stretch sitting — patiently adapting to the light. He has shifted from his shirt sleeve to his hands covering his eyes.

The camera goes to his view– from through his fingers where a minimal amount of light is getting in.


Through tears in his eyes, he looks around to get a sense of his surroundings. The tears are partially from adjusting to the light… and mostly from being overwhelmed by the beauty of what he sees.

The camera continues with the POV of Mr. Stretch as he observes the amazingly vibrant colors that surround him.


Before long, he’s well acclimated to his new environment.

We see Mr. Stretch walking with a bounce in his step as he examines his surroundings.

BENNY GOODMAN’S GREAT DAY is playing as a montage of images is seen that lets the audience explore along with Mr. Stretch. Gayle continues.


So he spent the afternoon exploring this new world. And as the light began to fade, he thought about his buddies down below.


They’ve got to see this. This is awesome… and so much better than what they’re looking at. (he pauses) Yeah, but they’ll never believe me… then again, maybe some one will have the courage to join me.


With his mind now made up, he works his way back towards the opening of the cave and re-enters.

The camera has turned back to POV Mr. Stretch, so we experience the abrupt change he experiences upon re-entering the cave. His surroundings turn to pitch black. Then we hear the “familiar sounds” of a crash on the stairs.


That wasn’t the entry he was counting on, that’s for sure. And, of course, the place is in an absolute uproar as they realize who just stumbled back in.

From the darkness we hear a lot of commotion and laughter.


Yo, Stretch! Welcome back. Why don’t you settle in and stay awhile? I think your spot is still warm.

More laughter can be heard. Standing back up on the stairs, steadying himself with the wall, Stretch replies.


That’s not why I’m here.

Even more laughter as one of the ex-prisoners calls out, “yeah right!”


Guys, it’s beautiful up there. Trust me! It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen or imagined. You gotta check it out. Come on. I’ll show you.


The only thing we gotta do is get you to quit yer yammering. So if you ARE back, please take a seat…

Voices in the background can be heard admonishing him to sit down and “chill already.”


So that’s it?


I speak for all of us… and we’re happy right where we are. Besides, it’s not like we believe you anyway.

A voice yells out “That dude’s whacked!” Then there’s more laughter.



Quickly cut back to present day.


Whacked? They used the word whacked back then?


Alas, you are not familiar with one of the primary rules…Fireside Storytelling 101–License to adapt story to the present audience.




It helps to make the story resonate with the listeners.


So now what happens?


POV Mr. Stretch. We watch as he looks up at the light which is beckoning him. Then the camera turns to look back down at the ex-prisoners.


And what he sees when he looks towards his former mates, is very dull. Even the images on the wall appear to have slowed down… So without further ado, he bounds up the stairs and leaves.

We see Mr. Stretch now attacking the stairs — two at a time– with new found energy. A reprise of GREAT DAY is heard in the background. At the top, he turns one more time and shouts to the folks below.


I’m outta here. See ya when I see ya!

He disappears from sight as a voice can be heard shouting back.


Yeah right! Like drop in anytime. We’ll be here.

And all the prisoners are laughing.


And to the sounds of laughter, Mr. Stretch moves farther and farther away from his former mates. And that, ladies, is THE END.


The End??


For real? Aren’t you going to tell us what happens to Mr. Stretch?


It’s not important.


What about the rest of his mates?


That’s not important either.


For real?


Yeah. So what’s the point of your silly story?


The story is an allegory… it stands for something bigger than just some guys in a cave.


Oh yeah… I remember now. Your story was based on the Allegory of the Cave, wasn’t it? It sounded a bit familiar.




My teacher covered that too.


I wish I had your teacher when I was in school.


I’m a bit fuzzy on the meaning of this allegory though. Mind explaining?


No problem. And actually, it has several levels of meaning… For example, if you asked my Grandma– she’d say this was all about choices. She applauds Mr. Stretch for having the courage to do something– to pursue something… to be proactive. She has told me over and over again that the only way to live is to be proactive. She’s very much a do or do not, there is no try type of lady.


I love it when you talk Yoda.

It’s clear that the “wheels are turning” in Julie’s mind as she is absorbing the story and its meaning. The look on her face is unlike anything we’ve seen so far… She speaks up.


So what’s the other level you mentioned?


Taking that thought yet further, it is about destiny… trying to figure out who you are and how you fit in with things in the world.

It’s about having the courage to find your own way… your own path. You aren’t going to find it staring at shadows in a cave. No matter how “real” and comfortable those shadows are.

If you think about it… in this story, the shadows are representative of “a reality”-but not necessarily the reality that is your destiny.

For a moment things go silent as the girls ponder what Gayle has said.


To be continued in Toll House Tales #120

Yoda speak reference here:

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  1. […] To be continued in Toll House Tales #119 […]

  2. […] Toll House Tales: All Fired Up – 119 –The fireside chat continues… Gayle is deep into a story that closely resembles “Allegory of the Cave.” […]

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