Pondering SNL 50 & the Bird Network…

While TC immerses himself in all things SNL, trusty pal Peg seeks answers… Read on!

TC and Peg Hearting Local Team…

In a follow-up post, TC & trusty partner Peg express more love — shouting out another vital support team. So without further ado… Enjoy!

TC and Peg Heart this Day…

This Valentine’s Day, TC & trusty partner Peg got a whole lotta love to express. So without further ado… Enjoy! –the editor

Peg Ponders Early AM Nominations…

Swiped! Again! This time Peg writes about a discussion that took place on a Thursday towards the end of January as an early morning change-up (5:30am?) disrupted their usual routine. Read on! –the editor

The Laptop Takeover…

Swiped! “Enough already,” says Peg. “Why you ignoring me?” In this post, Peg presses TC for some answers. Read on! —the editor