It is funny how one thing leads to another. It is also VERY possible when you are in #Flex-n-Flo mode. Post catches eye. Leads to… Read on!
Celebrating Artist in Residence -MLW!
This is our take of the “classic” (traditional) unboxing video. We get to share our fantastical gift AND also, create a template for future #GivesUsJoy unveilings.
Things that Gift us Joy!
This is our take of the “classic” (traditional) unboxing video. We get to share our fantastical gift AND also, create a template for future #GivesUsJoy unveilings.
What We Do Matters – A Ponderable…
The passing of “Avalon Johnny” (AKA Johnny Hockey) and his brother prompted Annie to write this piece as a reminder to us all: What. We. Do. Matters!!
WowMe: DIY ZenZone is Inspirational…
Since out-of-home (OOH) experiences, Mr Pete DIY’d himself a ZenZone as a source of daily inspiration. Take a look!