Spidey Life? Taking Your Passion and Making it Happen…

The thought crossed my mind when I read a story about Jonathan Kaplan. He’s the guy who brought the Flip Video camera to the world via his company Pure Digital and then sold the successful business to Cisco. Kaplan turned around and started up a chain of grill cheese eateries… more »

Washing Machine Challenge Goes Viral: McIlroy vs. Jeff the Robot…

Tommie caught a glimpse of this 4-minute video that went super-viral in just one day. As a promo for the European Tour, where the Irish Open is currently being played, golf professional Rory McIlroy is being challenged by a robot to hit washing machine targets. It is a throwback challenge…. more »

AWSI: Crunch Controversy…

It was brought to my attention (Thanks, Tommie!) that there was a disturbance this week that spanned from U.S. Navy headquarters to the cereal aisles of your local grocery store. Apparently, Cap’n Crunch is NOT a captain after all. A super astute writer noticed (and posted) that the legendary cereal… more »

DreamWorks Thinking Small? Maybe It’s More About Touchpoints…

The headline said small, but there was a big picture of Shrek smack dab in the middle of my business section giving me a “what up?” look. The news, as reported by Benny Evangelista of the San Francisco Chronicle, was the announcement made by Netflix about a multi-year deal signed… more »

Life Imitating Art: Apple’s Campaign Sounds Mad Men-Like…

By now you’ve probably seen and heard the new Apple ad campaign.  Titled “Our Signature,” the pacing and voice felt to me to be very similar to Don Draper’s Carousel pitch from an episode of Mad Men. Adweek wrote about the campaign and included the copy: “This is what matters…. more »