Fanfare for a common logo, bygones and breakthroughs, coming soon– Homer Live, and more. Read on for a quick rundown of things that caught our eye, triggered our imagination, and stimulated our curiosity.
NVC the 021416 Edition
Super Bowl morning after, patents leader passes, music for your mind and more. This latest edition of our News, Views & Clues provides a quick rundown of things that caught our eye, triggered our imagination, and stimulated our curiosity.
NVC the 020716 Edition
What stimulated our curiosity this week? The return of Kevin Butler, Super Bowl ads, the off lining of Amazon, a reviewer gets busted, and more…
AWSI: Goaded by an Essay on the Secret of Immigrant Genius
We like the fact that The Wall Street Journal provides deeper dive reading on the weekends in the “Review” section. The piece that caught our eye was titled “The Secret of Immigrant Genius.” Genius is a topic we bandy about here. As for highly motivated immigrants, our Frankie is a… more »
AWSI: It Does a Body Good…
While cruising through the coupons in Sunday’s paper, we came upon one that urged us to “TRY WHEATIES WITH CHOCOLATE MILK!”
Er… Okay. We’ll ponder that because, after all, it should “Awaken the Champion Within.”