001 edition: The DragonBustRs (DBRs) Insiders get updated on kits and other ponderables. #GivesUsJoy
Pondering SNL 50 & the Bird Network…
While TC immerses himself in all things SNL, trusty pal Peg seeks answers… Read on!
When & Where’s the Party?
An update on… An ” itas” gathering ! Looking like mid-March. Post Mardi-Gras and pre-Madness…
TC and Peg Hearting Local Team…
In a follow-up post, TC & trusty partner Peg express more love — shouting out another vital support team. So without further ado… Enjoy!
TC and Peg Heart this Day…
This Valentine’s Day, TC & trusty partner Peg got a whole lotta love to express. So without further ado… Enjoy! –the editor