Jedemi Chronicles SE – The Taming of Viv – 003

Synopsis:  In the first two installments (001, 002), the owner of the Jedemi Cafe, Viv, has been talking with a “voice” who says his name is Frankie.  He and “The Gang” have been hanging out at the cafe for awhile observing the goings-on while pondering their level of involvement.  Frankie… more »

Jedemi Chronicles SE – Taming of Viv – 002

Synopsis:  In the previous episode (001) of the Jedemi Chronicles SE** – Taming of Viv – 001, the owner of Jedemi Cafe, Viv, has an encounter with a Voice who she later finds out is named Frankie.  They chitchat about movies, and the concept of Third Place.  When Viv closes… more »

Jedemi Chronicles SE – The Taming of Viv – 001

One of the biggest challenges of getting the scripella (combination of script and novella) “In Heaven When You Smile: The Taming of Viv” published for distribution via the iTunes Store, is that the multi-touch functionality we want is only available on the iPad and on the Mac.  Why it doesn’t… more »