With the help of an extremely talented artist (Mark Hill of Hill Cartoons and Humorous Illustrations), we have come up with a really cool logo that sums up what Jedemi is really about. In essence, if you are going to “Follow your bliss,” then you need to be prepared for… more »
ASWI – Shellraiser is a Keeper…
As appalling as it may be to think that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise is pushing toys for pre-schoolers, we’ve deemed the product highlighted on page 18 of the Sunday Target ad post-worthy. The Shellraiser vehicle from Playmates Toy has bells and whistles (or as the ad copy states,… more »
FSI – What’s New and Notable – 002
This week’s edition of FSI What’s New & Notable is focusing on hot sauce. The FSI featured a ginormous burger that took up 50% of the ad. It was a drippy burger too, like the kind you see on Carl’s Jr. television ads. We aren’t burger people and were about… more »
What We’re Reading – the 0814 Edition
As mentioned in May’s post, the Jedemi way is to have several books going at once. Having just completed Biz Stone’s “Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind,” which was awesome, it was time to get some new books in the mix. Check it out. … more »
FSI – What’s New and Notable – 001
Anyone who gets a Sunday newspaper delivered to their doorstep (or driveway) knows that part of its considerable “thunk” are the ads that are included in the form of circulars and free standing inserts (FSI). We like them for several reasons. You can get a sense of what’s trending. You… more »