AWSI: Inspired by a Railroad?

Tommie brought this to our attention.  The USA Olympic hockey team (men and women) has a logo on its uniform that looked really, really familiar.  So he did some digging. According to the Union Pacific website, its shield is “one of the nation’s most respected and recognized corporate logos; a… more »

Legos are Ready for Their Close-Up…

Heading into the weekend, we were drawn to a story about “The Lego Movie” that appeared in The Wall Street Journal. When we saw the television ad for it, we laughed because we figured it was just a 90-commercial for Legos appearing in a slow month (February). However, the article… more »

It’s a Wonderful Mystery…

The headline read, “Is Seneca Falls, N.Y., a ‘Wonderful’ site?”  There are folks who strongly believe that George Bailey, the lead in Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life,” lived in this quaint upstate New York town.  Well, according to our mate, it’s “non importa.” Frankie had just started Liberty Films… more »

Tough Business: Studio Does the Wrong Thing…

When we read the article from last Sunday’s New York Times on Spike Lee’s new movie, “Oldboy,” we all were irate. The movie is a “reinterpretation” of Park Chanwook’s 2003 cult classic of the same title. In the original, there is an intense fight scene that was shot in one… more »

AWSI: Shift from Crusty May Be Temporary…

In the “A-HED” position of Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal there was a somewhat shocking story about how Parisians are preferring “the whitest, least-baked baguette on display.”  That translates to shift in demand away from the classic “crusty” baguette.  One baker who sells 1,500 baguettes every day said that 90% of… more »