We introduced the “SNapkin” concept in this post but have a dozen (or more) in the queue. This is one pairs nicely with the previous post. Enjoy!—The Gang
We saw a really fantastic print ad for Target (’tis the season to bring the fantastic: Turn your holiday moments into memories with all kinds of festive sweets and savories.) that really, really impressed us for its visual effectiveness. Yup, another example of thinking differently.

Really fun and effective Target ad…
Made us look at the classic gingerbread man differently for sure!
AWSI, Target is very much thinking outside the box — and creatively. That is helping them become “THE” destination for one-stop shopping this holiday season. Check out their TV ad. Another truly creative execution.
Thanks for reading and, as always, #SCMF!
—Dossie & The Gang
Bonus Content
Another cool Target TV spot featuring animated gingerbread men.
And the Enchanted Jukebox Sez the “Salmon dance” song is another creative execution that’ll catch you by surprise.
…Let me introduce to you a brand new dance,
I know you’re gonna love it if you give it one chance.
It’s not complicated, it’s not too hard,
You don’t even have to be a hip hop star.
See anyone can do it, all you need is style,
Listen up peep gang, I’ma show you how:
Put your hands to the side, as silly as it seems,
And shake your body like a salmon floatin’ up stream…
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