The other day it crossed my mind that I should provide some background on how my Jedemi project came about. It’s been years in the making. In fact, I tied the beginning to the purchase of my first Jeep in June 1993. But really, the seeds were planted long… more »
Background on Jedemi Cafe
Just found out that you can make a little movie out of a PowerPoint presentation. Click on the words in bold to get to an overview of what Jedemi is about: jedemiCafe09_V2 And when you are done, just hit the back key on your browser. If you want a copy… more »
Reading while flying… a St.X story
Antoine Saint-Exupery (AKA St.X) flew reconnaissance missions and the Lockheed P-38 Lightning was the type of plane he piloted in 1943. At that time, it was considered one of the fastest planes in existence — capable of speeds nearly twice that of a Bloch 174. He had to fight to… more »
Tale of the Enchanted Jukebox
The first edition of Jedemi Chronicles is called “Ring Dem Bells.” It tells the story of an Enchanted Jukebox that takes up residence at the Jedemi Cafe. The following are the tunes the Jukebox played on a regular basis. Walkin’ and Swingin’ — Mary Lou Williams Opus One — Tommy… more »
Tiger Tale & Jedemi…
There’s a story that Joseph Campbell tells that pretty much captures what we are trying to do here at Jedemi. It is the fable of a tigress, who was pregnant and hungry, prowling about in great distress, until she came at last upon a herd of goats, whereupon she pounced…. more »