Taming of Viv – Jukebox Tunes…

In a very special café owned by a very special lady, spirits from the past arrived on a mission to ignite the imagination and enable the creative spirit which resides in all of us. The Jedemi Chronicles are a series of stories which capture the adventures of these spirits as… more »

Under the Boardwalk: Buffett’s Rendition Heartwarming for Jersey Shore…

David Carr of The New York Times, wrote a piece about the Jersey Shore post-Hurricane Sandy. He noted, “…While every public boardwalk on the Jersey Shore has opened, some businesses in commercial districts are shuttered, and nearby housing will take many more months and perhaps years to be rebuilt. In… more »

The Enchanted Jukebox: Some History

I’ve been asked for specifics about the Enchanted Jukebox that is the focus of the first episode of Jedemi Chronicles (Title: “Ring Dem Bells” – Tale of the Enchanted Jukebox”). Viv is drawn to its colors. Even unplugged it seemed pulsing with life. After doing some legwork, it appears that… more »

Pupping It – Tunes for Chilling Out…

I just got turned onto the Peter Pupping Band (special thanks to my Jersey Pal Frank Gaff), and specifically, the album titled “Samba Night.’ Take a listen for yourself. Samba Pa Ti El Condor Pasa Barcelona Nights According to the band’s website, the Peter Pupping Quartet was formed in 1996… more »

Serendipity and April in Paris…

In Episode 1 of the Jedemi Chronicles, I have field dispatches from a team that’s following Katie through her business trip in Europe. The dispatches are written at 0100 the next day. So, for example the Sunday 0100 dispatch covers Saturday’s activities. My thought is that these arrive at the… more »