This is pretty cool. General Mills Canada has teamed up with Toronto Blue Jays outfielder, José Bautista, for a cereal promotion tied to his iconic bat flip from last year’s MLB playoffs.
For a limited time (and in Canada only… so sad), Bautista will be featured on boxes of Golden Grahams Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Plus, General Mills Canada is supporting the Bautista Family Education Fund, the Jays Care Foundation and the Breakfast Clubs of Canada with a $10,000 donation to each.

Golden Grahams Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch featuring Jose Bautista. (CNW Group/General Mills Canada)
Definitely a “win” for an occurrence that has rankled some baseball traditionalists.
In fact, as recently as a few weeks ago, a Texas Rangers ballplayer named Rougned Odor threw a punch at Bautista that was supposedly in retaliation for that bat flip.
ASWI, it is time for people to “chillax” about the protocol breach and embrace the benefits of this promotion.
Also, a message to General Mills of Canada.
We love “Joey Bats” here (south of the Canadian border). Please do a run of Bat Flip cereal that we can buy here in the States.
Thanks for Reading!
—The Gang
Bonus Content
Read the announcement here.
Follow General Mills Canada here.
SB Nation had some fun with this story.
Which got us thinking of … a Hawaiian Punch ad from the way-back machine.
Which made us “hungry” for more vintage ads — and these are tied to cereal (56-min run time)
Lastly, about those “unwritten” rules of baseball, here’s a link to a slideshow, more reading, and book if you have $7 to spare.
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