How Random is this? Who is CPBoyd?

Yesterday I was flipping through my Wall Street Journal when I came upon a full page Dell ad. Sure, the unusual looking laptop / tablet caught my eye. But what kept my attention was the quote. Who is C.P. Boyd? I am pretty familiar with writers / reviewers in the… more »

What if Sisyphus Shrugged?

You all may know of Sisyphus… the guy who was condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder uphill then watching it roll back down again. Talk about laboring in futility! Sure, he was given a particularly wicked punishment for what has been described as crimes against the gods, but… more »

Acura’s ‘Okay Spend Smart’ Campaign…

Acura apparently thinks a white knuckle ride with Suze Orman, Dr. Phil or Santa is the way to convince folks to “spend smart.” Yeah, that’s right. You are being counseled by someone who is driving really, really fast without paying attention to the road. Brilliant! “That’s not a dress, that’s… more »

Brand Billboard: Day in the Life of LeBron…

You’ve probably seen it by now. Timed for the opening of the NBA season was a new commercial from Samsung Mobile that covered a day in the life of Miami Heat basketball player, LeBron James. The focus was on his use of the Galaxy Note II which gave him, as… more »

Notable Quotable: Director Julie Taymor…

“The Lion King” is returning to San Francisco for a run that lasts through the holidays. In a story by Chad Jones of the San Francisco Chronicle, director Julie Taymor was quoted saying the following: “Almost nothing is original in this world. “It’s how you put things together and how… more »