Motivating the 21st Century Employee…

Wired Magazine had a story in their June 2010 issue (Cognitive Surplus: The Great Spare-Time Revolution) that delved into the most effective ways to motivate workers in the 21st century. They rounded up Daniel Pink, a Wired contributing editor and author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us… more »

Interesting Man, Uninteresting (or Memorable) Beer…

I just revisited a story by Barbara Lippert, an advertising critic for AdWeek, that talked about male-themed potential award winners at the Cannes ad festival. She pointed to: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” for Old Spice, “The Most Interesting Man in the World” for Dos Equis and “The… more »

Henery Hawk & the Spirit of Cooperation…

One of my favorite characters from the old Warner Brothers cartoons is Henery Hawk. I like how he is so feisty and determined. This particular cartoon shows how cooperating can help you achieve your goal. ###

Mad Men & the Virtual Water Cooler

It has been a while since a television program has triggered the equivalent of “water cooler” conversation. Today, the discussions are happening online. The rallying point is the beginning of the fourth season of AMC’s Mad Men. For those of you not hip to Mad Men, you can learn about… more »

Emerald Nuts Revisited

Emerald Nuts – Envious Nomads (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Egomaniacal Normans (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Encouraging Norwegians (2004) 0:15 (USA) Emerald Nuts – Extreme Nurses (2004) 0:15 (USA) ###