Like ringtones for hybrids… Boosting awareness the techie way

What’s your hybrid sound like? That’s the question that Max asks in the “Jetta TDI Meets Prius” Volkswagen commercial. Max is referring to the fact that the Prius lacks a cool sound.  Coolness seems to be the least of its problems.  As far as the safety experts are concerned, a… more »

Chilly? How about a heated jacket that’ll give you a charge?

Dealing with chilly conditions? Mountain Hardware can help PLUS keep your portable devices charged up…

From Target to 7-Eleven, Domo Delights in State-side Appearances

Meet Domo. The brown lumpy character, mascot of Japan’s giant public television and radio broadcasting organization NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation in English), is now appearing at 7-Eleven stores near you. As strange as it may seem, it isn’t too far of a stretch to get to how Domo ended up… more »

Zen and the Art of Balloon Shaping…

The renaissance in balloon arts gets front page attention in The Wall Street Journal. Check out the inspired work that’s being created these days…

Eye-catching Ad & an Inside Joke

I was watching the Sunday Night Football match-up between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the San Diego Chargers when a commercial caught my eye. Mind you, I tend not to pay too much attention to commercials during regular season games, so for me to stop and rewind my TiVo was a… more »