AWSI Musings: IKEA’s Open Source Sofa Provides Cheap Thrills…

IKEA is actively encouraging “mods” — DIY customizations to fit a space, or change functions entirely over time…

AWSI Musings: Reality Bites at B-Dub…

It’s frustrating when reality doesn’t match expectations. The B-Dub experience was disappointing to say the least…

AWSI Musings: Doing Key to Learning..

Updated with Proof Point; Nike said “Just Do It!” We concur. The best way to learn and improve is to get out there…

AWSI Musings: It’s Pinsperational Not Social…

It’s frustrating when reality doesn’t match expectations. The B-Dub experience was disappointing to say the least…

AWSI Musings: Lyrical Headline Amuses…

Clever headlines amuse AND draw attention. The resulting earworm may be less welcome …