AWSI Musings: Many Creative Halloween Treats…

Chester from Cheetos promoted 31 days of mischief, this post shows some creative treats for Halloween.

Jukebox Sez: Thriller for Halloween…

For this week’s DragonBustR Reader, the Jukebox has delivered “Thrillers” for Halloween. We’ve got Thriller classic (Michael Jackson’s original) , a couple of Thriller mashups (Daft Punk and an awesome Frozen one), and we have a bonus clip — LEGOS doing the Thriller dance. Enjoy! Runtime 13 minutes and 42… more »

SCMF Musings: Things that Make Us Go Hmmm — Sporting Edition…

In this Sporting edition of Hmmm, we look at Taco Bell, Nike and MetLife as brands making moves…

AWSI Musings: Oh Dominos – Ollie Strikes Back…

The “How Ollie Strikes Back!” adventure continues with a special delivery to Peyton’s Place in Colorado…

AWSI Musings: Quaker’s Oatober Inspires Year-Round…

The Quaker Company launched a brilliant promo for this month, which they’ve re-named “Oatober.” The aim is to inspire creative ways to incorporate “the world’s most nutritious yet underappreciated foods: the humble oat…”