Pondering Piggly Wiggly…

And the grocery world keep on turning… TC spends this ponderable (shaking his head, perhaps) as this long delayed merger impacts his food and consumable purchasing experience. Read on!

Pondering Travel for the Homebound…

TC has found another way to get his travel “fix” via YouTube. Vicarious enjoyment PLUS the “long tail” allows him to “get to” places he may never have even considered…

Celebrating Arrival of MeTV Toons…

TC gushes about MeTV Toons — offering hours upon hours of animated joy…

Pondering Howard and Henson…

Two creative storytellers who influenced TC’s youth are top of mind in this ponderable. Read on and then, perhaps, make some time to study the bodies of work mentioned.

Pondering Pride & the Anniversary…

Sometimes less is more. In this case, as editor, I step back as TC’s heartfelt ponderable points to his daily FB posts reflecting what pride means to him during this transitional year. Read on…