AWSI Musings: Snickers SI Swimsuit Issue Takeover is Quite Clever…

Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign found an awesome vehicle to garner attention — the back cover and the inside back cover of SI’s swimsuit issue…

Oops! Our Bad. DragonBustR Reader Delay of Game…

It just dawned on us that we were so busy tailing Annie — including to Pebble Beach and back — that we forgot to hit SEND on the DragonBustR newsletter.
And this one is especially important as we ramp up the “Hire Our Annie” campaign…

Hire Our Annie…

Here’s why — She has the uncanny ability to enthusiastically transmit insights and information that she gleans by way of her unique, proactive approach to synthesizing knowledge from a myriad of resources…

AWSI Musings: Psyched ‘Bout Super Snackadium …

Check out the Snackadium — an Super Bowl tradition which inspires…

AWSI Musings: We Dig What Simms Sez…

Super Simms inspires with tale of his upbringing and his papers…