The Amusing Countryman…

Ezra Dyer wrote an amusing review of the 2011 Mini Cooper Countryman that still has me smiling days after I read it. His remarks are hilarious.  Here are a few examples: Description of the the Countryman’s interior “it looks like something that other companies may cook up for a concept… more »

Getting Feisty: BMW Billboard Answers Audi’s

2011 is definitely turning into an interesting year for the auto industry. No more moaning and groaning. This time, it is all about being feisty. feist·y [fahy-stee] –adjective, feist·i·er, feist·i·est. 1. full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky; plucky: The champion is faced with a feisty challenger. Yeah, it… more »

Oatmeal: The Right Thing all Wrong…

You may have it permanently embedded in your brain that oatmeal is “the right thing to do.” That’s what Wilford Brimley told us, right? McDonald’s would like you to think so too with its “bowl full of wholesome.” But Mark Bittman of The New York Times begs to differ. In… more »

Who’s on Stage? An Animaniac Classic…

One of my favorite Animaniac clips is Woodstock Slappy (1994). it’s set in1969. Skippy Squirrel has been dragged off to his Aunt Slappy’s cottage in the woods to for some peace and quite AND to get away from the hippy influence in the city. They awake the next morning to… more »

Example: When Words ARE the Source of Confusion…

I have to say that this cartoon ranks right up there with the Emily Litella skits (a “deaf” penalty,” “The “Eagle [Equal] Rights Amendment”, and “making Puerto Rico a steak [state]”) from the old Saturday Night Live shows. Clearly, Stephan (Pearls Before Swine) Pastis must have been a fan of… more »