Digging the story behind the story — Yes lyrics to Roundabout inspired by road trip in Scotland. There’s more to the story too!
Introducing Jedemi “SNapkins”…
The Gang has taken over with a new form-factor to facilitate curation for the cultivation of the curious mind— the SNapkin.
AWSI Musings: McDs Shakes Things Up with Shamrock Shake-Friendly STRAW…
Who knew you needed a STRAW to fully enjoy the new limited edition Shamrock Shakes at McDonald’s? See what the team of engineers invented…
AWSI Musings: Snickers SI Swimsuit Issue Takeover is Quite Clever…
Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign found an awesome vehicle to garner attention — the back cover and the inside back cover of SI’s swimsuit issue…
Oops! Our Bad. DragonBustR Reader Delay of Game…
It just dawned on us that we were so busy tailing Annie — including to Pebble Beach and back — that we forgot to hit SEND on the DragonBustR newsletter.
And this one is especially important as we ramp up the “Hire Our Annie” campaign…