Taming of Viv – Jukebox Tunes…

[mpoverlay]In a very special café owned by a very special lady, spirits from the past arrived on a mission to ignite the imagination and enable the creative spirit which resides in all of us. The Jedemi Chronicles are a series of stories which capture the adventures of these spirits as… more »

What We’re Reading – the 0514 Edition

The Jedemi way is to have several books going at once. The preference is a traditional-style book where we can make notes in pencil (lots of underlining and scribbles). And the Jedemi challenge is to schedule time to make progress working through the books. We are contemplating doubling up on… more »

Rocky on Broadway: Making the Concept Fly…

The Sunday New York Times had an eye-catching ad for the musical, ROCKY, that, quite frankly, was suitable for framing. From the “Story & Score” to “Gloves” to “Fight Choreography” to “Live Video Coverage” and more, the ad did its job to let the reader know that this was a well-thought-out performance.

The MakerBot Prince & a Journey with 3D Printing…

The Little Prince (1943) was inspiration for this journey into 3D printing. Carla draws a sheep for LEO and away they go.

Legos are Ready for Their Close-Up…

Heading into the weekend, we were drawn to a story about “The Lego Movie” that appeared in The Wall Street Journal. When we saw the television ad for it, we laughed because we figured it was just a 90-commercial for Legos appearing in a slow month (February). However, the article… more »