AWSI: Like the Look of Persol’s New Generation Storytelling…

Persol engages the “new generation” with an engaging campaign that encourages participation via Instagram. All this to support the retro sunglasses from the days of the “King of Cool.”

Dear Netflix – Ponderables on How to Protect this Prince…

Our previous post was focused on what makes The Little Prince movie so special that it really should be protected. This one delves into potential next steps for Netflix to ponder as they work on distribution plans for this awesome, labor-of-love, animated feature film directed by Mark Osborne.

Dear Netflix – Why Protect This Prince…

What makes The Little Prince movie so special? To start, the cast and crew all rallied around Mark Osborne’s approach for protecting St. Exupery’s timeless classic.

AWSI: This Museum’s Detour Advances Storytelling…

SFMOMA opens with a Detour that has the gang curious. A location aware app running on an iPhone is being used as “a tool for telling stories, built by curious people with a talent for telling them.”

Dear Netflix – The Little Prince Movie & Next Step Ponderables…

We were extremely excited to hear the news that Netflix had “saved” The Little Prince movie that Paramount yanked from distribution last month. The Amazon news yesterday prompted us to accelerate documenting our thoughts on audience engaging opportunities for that awesome movie.