Lose the Keys, Gain Time…

According to a story that appeared in The Wall Street Journal, UPS (United Parcel Service) has come up with a way to speed up deliveries/reduce costs — that doesn’t involve breaking any laws. Having already optimized many of the delivery-related processes and procedures (i.e. drivers avoid left turns and are… more »

Petco’s New Tagline Emphasizes Differentiator…

Coming on the heels of Burger King doing away with the creepy king, a headline in one of the newsletters I get shouted, “Petco Revamps Logo, Tagline.” For Burger King, the move was long overdue. But Petco?? If I want to see a Padres game while in San Diego, I… more »

Mash-up Cracks Me Up…

So I was working my early morning shift when I suddenly became aware of a song I hadn’t heard before. I paused and pondered what was striking my ears. Then I laughed out loud. For real? So I looked it up and I regret to say, I am quite late… more »

The Surprise that Shook up my Jedemi Project…

I had been casually thumbing through the Arts & Leisure section of the Sunday New York Times when I came upon this story: “NIght Flight”? That’s the same name as a book by one of my guys, St. X (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). The gist of the story was that Clarence… more »

Inkling: Innovative e-Textbooks for the iPad

Talk about innovative!  Matt MacInnis, a Nova Scotia native, Harvard grad, and former Apple employee (eight years), has founded a company called Inkling that mades digital textbooks for the iPad. One of the company’s breakthrough offerings, as mentioned in a Bloomberg/Businessweek feature, is called Brooker Biology which features a 3D… more »