Kudos to The Sun v4.0!

MocoNews had a post that highlighted a really clever ad that a UK paper, The Sun, did as part of its 40 years in business celebration.  It is fun to watch and makes some interesting points about being a great handheld — a play off the gadgets (iPhone, BlackBerry, Droid,… more »

There’s a Map for That (Updated)… Verizon’s Swipe at Apple

I was aware of the ad campaign where Verizon was touting how its coverage was better than AT&T’s. To me, it was a total “duh!” because my friends who have iPhones have been complaining big time about AT&T.

Franksgiving then, Black Friday now…

I read an interesting story in The Wall Street Journal that talked about “Franksgiving.”  Apparently, in 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt decided to move Thanksgiving Day forward by a week, rather than have it take place on its traditional date, the last Thursday of November. The reason was economic. There… more »

5 in 5: SuperMarket Guru Reviews New Products

Like discovering new products? When it comes to grocery shopping, whether in a big market like Safeway or specialty ones like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, it is nice to have a little help sorting through the tens of thousands of items available. A creature of habit, I am more… more »

Red Bull for Dogs? Not Exactly…

Here’s something different… Looks like there is a new doggy drink called Petrol that comes in aluminum cans. The press release says it is “a dog treat beverage” which is now available in 12 oz. Rexam SLEEK(TM) cans. Petrol is formulated by a veterinary nutrition expert, and contains 100 percent… more »