AWSI: Weber’s Gourmet BBQ System is Cool But Incomplete…

The Home Depot “Thrill of the Grill” page on their weekly ad drew our attention to a “new!” $399, “EXCLUSIVE WEBER SPIRIT E-210 2-BURNER GAS GRILL FEATURING GOURMET BBQ SYSTEM.” Yes, those were Home Depot’s shouts (as in all caps). Seriously though… what’s not to like about a BBQ which… more »

AWSI: Lacoste’s Beautiful Sport Ad Has Wings…

The Lacoste ad (Tagline: Life is a Beautiful Sport) which appeared in the Sunday NY Times caught our eye. The gentleman on the light pole reminded us of one of our favorite movies: Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders. There is no specific all to action. The impression it left… more »

Staying Curious: What We Learned from a Unwatchable Show…

AMC’s Mad Men series is part way through its last season. For a while now, it has fallen off the list of “must see” TV. In fact, this season, we have resorted to reading the recaps from AdAge and Barbara Lippert’s Mad Blog before deciding whether to invest time actually… more »

Dante Essay in the WSJ is full of Ponderables…

The Saturday Essay in The Wall Street Journal was an interesting piece about Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and the impact it had on the author of the 2500+ word piece. The way these essays are written, you need to block a chunk of time because they tend to be lengthy ponderables…. more »

By-Product Discovery: Rework & Kingsford…

While reading a book called “Rework” by by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, I made a fascinating discovery.  In the Progress section, the essay titled “Sell your by-products,” pointed to something that one might classify as either a “fast fact” or a “bet you didn’t know.” Henry (Model T)… more »