Archives for August 2016

SCMF Musings: Halt & Catch Garlic Fries…

The latest ad for McDonald’s Gilroy garlic fries made us “stop, rewind & play” over and over. Visually, it looks like an AMC show was its inspiration…

AWSI: Challenging Times for Major League Baseball…

If pace of play is such an issue for Major League Baseball games, then why are challenges allowed?

Jedemi QuickTake5: Edison, Visa, Bread, Stewart-Snoop, RH Napa…

A snackable read of stories that deserve sort of a quick “shout out”. A new novel, most seen Olympics ads, a bread vending machine in San Francisco, a new VH1 show with Martha and Snoop and a new Restoration Hardware concept…

DragonBustR Reader — 001

Every week our DragonBustR Reader will provide you with curated links to ponderables and other snackable content. #SCMF

SCMF Musings: The Little Prince — Two Takes, One Publication

One publication with two entirely different “takes” on Mark Osborne’s “The Little Prince.” Perhaps the concept of taming takes some getting used to. Or maybe, grownups don’t understand / get it…