Pondering Autumn Leaves, Anniversaries…

TC turns sentimental as he looks back on year one with Peggy. Read on! – the editor

The thought of double-digit temperatures in Las Vegas has arrived, yet for a brief time. In one month, it will be consistent. It will also be one year since the arrival of Peggy.

To those who have not read my columns, Peggy is my constant companion. She has been a support for me for a year. You can say the adage is true:

Behind a great man is a great woman.

In this case, Peggy is my left prosthetic leg.

I have been home for a year as of October 3, and Peggy has been around since October 2. It has been a long year of adjustments and priorities. In ways I am anew. A re-birth so to say. In other ways, the same old TC is still there.

In a punch list form, things that I have learned.

  1. Taking control of my medical decisions. Something while working 11 ½ years at the airport put on the back burner. When a previous employer documented me for not social distancing when I spent a month dealing with COVID, I cannot expect an employer to take care of me.
  2. Logistics! I will always be a logistics person, and when challenged, will focus on how to make it work.
  3. Take care of self. Even with a mental health day. I did a lot of that during COVID, especially when stressed from working when it started to get busy.
  4. Communication. True strong family and friends will be there when needed. Insecure ones cannot, they can’t help themselves.
  5. Gratitude. As my fellow drag performers would say, applause is free. So is saying Thank you. Those two words may be the only positive thing is said to others during the day.
  6. Travel is a pain in the ass. All travel. Use the last 5 points to plan travel.

I visited my prosthetic specialist David this week. I was due for Peggy’s check- up. I was feeling some melancholy, due to the fact I felt I needed more progress. The fact of the matter is, my independence and safety became paramount. Also another kind of life change happened this year, that being the elimination of my job in July. I was ahead of the 8 ball and sorted out my insurance.

After my appointment, I felt much better. David made me feel more confident.  He had not seen me since March.  He noticed progress! We discussed my achievements, which included my trip to Fort Lauderdale in April. Better yet, the fact in his office he did not have to assist me in standing up from the crappy chairs in his office (woo hoo!!).

Peggy 2.0 may be on the horizon, but Peggy 1.0 will suit me fine for the time being.


That’s a Wrap…

My buddy and I went to Texas Roadhouse after the appointment for some great service, an early dinner, and their famous dinner rolls, that are shared with you the minute you are seated. The Honey cinnamon butter is a little sweet for my taste, but twist my arm, fresh rolls!

My reward for a decent appointment. The encouragement was priceless!

What do you think? Should I get Peggy a slice of cake this month?


I can test is so she will not get poisoned!

Thanks for reading and pondering with me. —TC


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