While TC immerses himself in all things SNL, trusty pal Peg seeks answers… —the editor
Hey, buddy! I got a question for you.
What is it?
Why are we watching all these old and young folks?
Can you be a little more specific? That could be anything.
Well you have been watching a lot on that bird network.
Bird? Are you talking about Peacock?
Okay, yeah! The one with the logo that’s a technicolor bird.
Again, can you be a LITTLE more specific?
Well I noticed you try to watch some comedy show on Saturday nights.
I see, you are talking about Saturday Night Live.
As in… “Live from New York — It’s Saturday Night!” Yes, that show.
As my eldest sister would always say to me, “Funny you should ask…”
Funny, ha ha or funny uh oh?
Don’t give me that look.
How about explaining er educating me? Why this… Saturday Night, NOT SO Live, was and is such a big deal?
I’ll just pull up a chair here so you can take all the time you want.
And the Tale of SNL Begins…
Once upon a time…
Well, Peg… Let’s start with the preoccupation with celebrating “Ohs” as in Zeros. SNL, another name and frankly much easier to say, has lasted five-oh as in fifty years — starting during the sunset of the classic variety show, and lasting into MY middle age.
My siblings used to watch and admire the original cast. It was a late night show that you stayed up to watch — no VCR recordings back in the day.
Ah! I imagine lots changed over the years.
Yes, and… I started to watch during the non-Lorne Michaels years, which were not horrible, but it was not the same. I started to watch during the Eddie Murphy/Billy Crystal era. When Lorne left in 1980, at the same time the original cast left, SNL had a horrible rebuilding year.
In 1985, he came back — but it wasn’t like you could flip a switch to make it all better. There ended up being another rebuilding year, that was pretty bad. After Madonna appeared on its first episode, the cast, even though it included some future stars that would do better later on in their careers, it was hard to get guest hosts and music acts. I was floored when Phillip Glass was a music guest(!).
And you kept watching because…?
High hopes? Faith in Mr Michaels?
I was willing to wait it out and… It. Got. Better.
Better, how?
Talent! Must. Watch. Talent.
TC proceeds to rattle off names:
Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Jan Hooks, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Farley…
Led to: Will Ferrell, Cheri Oteri, Ana Gasteyer, Chris Kattan, Jimmy Fallon…
Led to: Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, Kristin Wiig…
Led to: You get the point.
So, a who’s who? An everyone who was anyone?
I could write for days about the contribution the stars and writers had influenced the comedy of our generation. My editor says– hard no!
Yeah… I get why too. But please to continue.
So what you… er WE watched was like a massive reunion — a LIVE celebration that went on for 3.5 hours.
It was the Oh celebration!
Oh! It was the Oh celebration!
Yup and re-unioned they did! Celebrating on the…
The bird streaming network — exclusively? Let me answer first… It was like the Olympics, the bird has to have stuff to get people to subscribe or not quit-out their subscriptions. Right?
You got the gist. And note… The Peacock, while being the home to the celebration of this SNL “Oh” anniversary, is also plugging the Part 1 of Wicked as in the Oscar nominated Wicked.
From our other post!
And there’s more! Like several documentaries, including:
- A four part making of SNL, based on different aspects of its creation and existence.
- A full documentary on the music guests only.
- A concert exclusive to Peacock, from two nights before the broadcast, with music performances by original and current musical acts. Live from Radio City Music Hall.
- The Red Carpet arrivals.
- The Special itself.
Okay… I gotcha… and hold with the Peacock laundry list. Are they paying you or what?
Brat! Did my editor…? Nevermind and no… It’s just that Peacock is one stop shopping for anything SNL.
Kinda like those food deliveries you order online and get porched… saving us the challenge… the village challenge of getting to and from the store — and navigating through the store.
Ah! Love shopping… but that was like long, long ago. Had to adapt with the times. Which is, I guess, what I’m saying about the Peacock. It IS convenient and maybe I’m a little spoiled now.
You’ve adapted your sources of entertainment. And I get your point. Now one more question: Is it TRULY “Live from New York”?
Indeed! We’ll be tuned in at eight thirty pm o’clock this Saturday night — West Coast meets East Coast’s late night.
Thanks for enlightening me, Buddy!
My pleasure.
That’s a Wrap…
Back to work for TC as Peg’s curiosity has been satisfied… for now. There’s still that one stop shopping thing that needs ’splaining, as others with “Pegs” of their own, would benefit from TC’s know-how. Stay tuned!
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