Another Tall Tale: Carmel & the Road to Celibacy

Tale Tales by Raconteur Cavallero “The Road from Celibacy Goes through Carmel” It was October 1969; three months after the Zodiac killer started his reign of terror in and around the San Francisco Bay Area. It was also one month before at a seminary 75 miles to the south in… more »

Review: Watchmen – a movie true to its source…

The Filminator has offered his thoughts on Watchmen. There are those who say that you can make a good movie from a book, but you have to change some things. And there are those who say that you can never have a movie as good as the book. Zack Snyder… more »

Get Some Alert! Beef Jerky for Doggies…

There’s a new dog snack from Oberto (the beef jerky people) that has some really cool packaging. It was designed by a company called Ground Zero (per the Creativity Online website, the Executive Creative Director for this is Curt Detweiler) Spotted any cool packaging?  Let us know. ###

Tiger Tale & Jedemi…

There’s a story that Joseph Campbell tells that pretty much captures what we are trying to do here at Jedemi. It is the fable of a tigress, who was pregnant and hungry, prowling about in great distress, until she came at last upon a herd of goats, whereupon she pounced…. more »

What is Jedemi?

Jedemi is a three-syllable word for a concept whose time has come.  It’s about clues, connections and creativity.  It’s about synthesis and synergy.  It’s about energetically engaging, empowering and encouraging others   Jedemi breaks through crusted patterns and transcends the status quo to help people (and businesses) proactively operate on… more »